●To manage Game reviews and ratings, Kosmoon Studio may use third party
service providers to help us manage product reviews and ratings left by
Information protection
Kosmoon Studio adopts a strict and thorough data collection, storage, processing
practices and security measures in order to protect Players against unauthorized
access, disclosure, destruction or alteration of personal information, username,
password, transaction information and data stored on Site or Game.
Sharing personal information
Kosmoon Studio does not sell, trade, or rent Players personal identification
information in any whatsoever manner. Kosmoon Studio may nevertheless share
generic aggregated demographic information not directly linked to personal
identification information provided regarding Players with our business partners,
trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes abovementioned.
Third party websites
Players may find advertising or other content on Kosmoon Studio Site or Game that
lead to the other sites, products or services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers,
sponsors, licensors and other third parties. Kosmoon Studio does not take
responsibility for the content that in entailed in those websites and shall not be held
responsible for the content included in websites that link to Kosmoon Studio Site our
In addition, these sites or services, including their content and links, may be
constantly changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy policies and
customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including